Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ok Go on the VH1 Countdown!

The magnificent band that is Ok Go had their new video for the song Here It Goes Again debut on the VH1 Countdown at number 11! I believe it has a lot in part to do with the millions of Ok Go fans from the Juggling Club fan site voting nonstop. If you want to see this video, I have the link on the side bar under music videos. Debuting at 11 is sweet, but we can get them to number one with everyone's help. Vote for Ok Go on VH1. Click and drag their video to the number one box. Just do it!! Now!!!

VH1 Countdown

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

El Paso Flood

Well the rain has let up here but now it's extremely and uncomfortably humid. It's raining again right now. Hopefully it's just a light shower. Hopefully the full storm passed by yesterday. They mentioned us on the Weather Channel today. Well as I said earlier, I put two videos my brother filmed on YouTube, one of which is below in the last post. Also, here's a couple pics he also took. The first one I sent online to KFOX TV and they showed it on tv yesterday. You should check out this other video someone else in El Paso uploaded. It's here: El Paso Flood

El Paso needs an ark

August 1st: El Paso is swept away...well, almost. You should have seen the crazy amount of rain we just got today. All of today. It was raining when I had to get up at 7:30 am and it was raining till about 4 pm. It was scary, insane rain...the likes of which El Paso has never seen. Simply saying the streets were flooded is a major understatement. Roads became rapids and the interstate that runs through town became a river. I had to drive in the crazy rain early in the morning and thank goodness I wasn't needed to go out in it later because it only got worse after 9 in the morning. Of course the news stations were all saying to just stay home. And El Paso is right on a mountain. Did I mention that? Or did you already know that? Anyway, so there were seriously dangerous flash floods and mudslides too. Cars were swept away and buildings were flooded. I have never seen such rain before in my life! It was ceaseless, unyeilding rain. The kind that makes you go looking for animals and a big boat. And in the beginning of the video, that white lopsidded rectangle in the water is an overturned truck. My brother and his friend filmed this. You can see more of the videos on YouTube.