Monday, February 01, 2010

Haiku & Limericks

"A Boring Haiku"
I am very bored.
That is why I write haiku;
Nothing else to do.


"There was a Young Girl with a book,
Who seated herself by a brook;
A boy came along,
And sang her a song,
That lovely Young Girl with a book."

"There once was a Girl from the West,
Who met a Boy dressed in a vest;
She seized him and kissed him,
And this did so please him,
That he ran off with the Girl from the West."

"There was a Young Lady of Odessa,
Where folk kept calling her Vanessa;
'But that's not my name!'
She would always exclaim,
That vexed Young Lady of Odessa."

Too see the homepage of Edward Lear, author of the "Book of Nonsense" (which is full of limericks), click HERE.