Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Forgot This Was Here

It was recently brought to my attention that this little crappy weblog of mine was still in existence. My first reaction was embarrassment. Why? Because this was all previously written when I was in college and let's face it, anything that old seems embarrassing by today's standards. My second reaction was, let it lie. But then I was given the advice that I could use this to simply chronicle events in my life so I can go back and look and see what's happened in the previous year(s). So why not?

While checking my old links on the side, I found that half of them no longer worked. So those have all been updated. My picture is now an actual picture of me too. Looking back at these old blogs, I discovered two things:
1. I was simply mad for the band OK Go. (And I still kinda am.)
2. I tried a lot of things on a weekly or monthly basis and then gave up. Hence the hottie of the month thing that died after two months.

So what now? I suppose I will write when the mood strikes, when I need to rant, or for shits and giggles. You know, like everyone else with a blog.