Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Choice Quotes

"If evil were a lesser breed than justice after all these years,
the righteous would have freed the world of sin."

- OkGo
The House Wins

I thought I'd start posting quotes I really liked every week, but let's be realistic. I barely post anything once a week. So I'll just post them whenever. And this quote is a song lyric from an OkGo song. If you have their CD, it's #13.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ok Go

Another awesome band I've gotten into is OkGo. Their new album OhNo is fantastic. I love their sound and the lead singer's voice. I'm not doing them justice I'm afraid. I can't describe them very well except to say that I love this band. There's a better description on their webpage if you click About OkGo. I hope they tour in El Paso TX soon. I don't go to many concerts cuz I'm usually always strapped for cash. I've only been to a No Doubt concert and an Areosmith concert. So it's really saying something if I want to go to a band's concert. OkGo rocks!

Visit their site. Ok Go

Be sure to watch their music video! It's so great and funny. Damian's sister choreographed their dance. According to an interview with Damian, his sister was a ballroom dancer for years. So be sure to watch it. And if you've seen it already, watch it again!

Flying Monkeys!

Check this out! My first time playing with Adobe Photoshop.

It's the attack of the flying monkeys! Get away! These magic shoes are mine!

Heh heh. Anyway, yeah. I'm learning photoshop and illustrator. This pic isn't the best, but it was my first go at it, so I think it's good. And it's funny. I used my digital camera to insert the pic of, yes that's me, (ugh, bad hair day) and then erased the background and put in the monkeys. Whadaya think? Yeah, I should work on getting rid of the shadows and stuff. Don't know how to yet.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Graduated, now what?

I just graduated from college Dec. 10, 2005. I are a gaduate! Heh heh. Anyway, my internship is now over because it was for college credit. I went home to Odessa for the holidays. Over the break, and I don't really know what brought it up, but I started thinking about careers and such and I suddenly got the idea about going into event planning. It just sounded better than advertising. I want to learn Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and I have been learning, but event planning just sounded better.

See, in advertising, copywriting and all that, I would need to be creative all of the time. I would need to always be working on many different client's needs all at once and so on. Talk about stressful. And I worry about needing to be creative all of the time in order to do copywriting and layout. But with event planning, which I admit might also be stressful in the organizing department (but all jobs are stressful, right?) with event planning I would work with elements that have already been thought up by someone else and I would just work with what I've been given. I would need to organize events and bring together all different aspects of advertising, sponsors, people, etc. but I wouldn't have to come up with it all on my own. I would just organize it. And my boss from my internship said it would be a good move.

But now I have a problem. I have no contacts. No one to call. I'm on my own unless my aunt knows someone in town. And she does seem to know everyone. But I'm gonna start something new I didn't take classes for. And it's really scary, you know? I feel like I have no direction right now. But I do have a plan, sort of, and that's a start. Right?