Friday, January 20, 2006

Ok Go

Another awesome band I've gotten into is OkGo. Their new album OhNo is fantastic. I love their sound and the lead singer's voice. I'm not doing them justice I'm afraid. I can't describe them very well except to say that I love this band. There's a better description on their webpage if you click About OkGo. I hope they tour in El Paso TX soon. I don't go to many concerts cuz I'm usually always strapped for cash. I've only been to a No Doubt concert and an Areosmith concert. So it's really saying something if I want to go to a band's concert. OkGo rocks!

Visit their site. Ok Go

Be sure to watch their music video! It's so great and funny. Damian's sister choreographed their dance. According to an interview with Damian, his sister was a ballroom dancer for years. So be sure to watch it. And if you've seen it already, watch it again!

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