Thursday, April 08, 2010

Quotes From Photography Class

*Quotes are most likely taken out of context.

"It's hot as tits in here."
-- inside the dark closet for rolling film

"Why are we always confused?"
-- classmate

"He was wacking off..."
-- teacher using wrong (but hilarious) word

"Take off your shirt."

-- teacher in the hall overheard while in classroom

"It looks like balls." "Buffallo balls." "Scrotum."

-- describing an abstract photo

"We've got the church-giggles again."

-- classmate

My boyfriend said he would, but I just don't know what to do with him."
-- girl in class

"Ah! And that's a naked woman."

-- said when looking at negatives left behind at an enlarger

"H.A.L.T. 'Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.'"
-- when you're one or all of these, it's time for a break

"Sorry. Didn't mean to boob-graze you."

-- girl in crowded dark room

"Bye bitches!"
-- girl classmate

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