Sunday, April 18, 2010

They come from France

Hackers, that is. My e-mail account was hacked by an IP address from France! This has never happened to me before so hearing that my e-mail was sending out spam to everyone was a shock. And then when I read about all of the security measures and reports to the authorities my e-mail provider is taking -which is NONE -I felt my temper rising. It just makes me angry that they can't do something to this IP address to screw up this hacker. I have their IP address! I know they come from France. This information is on my account activity list.

All I could do is change every single privacy setting I had and hope that that is a deterrent to this hacker from France. Hopefully seeing my password triple in size and complexity will make him exclaim, "Sacre bleu! Theez new passward is much too long and complicated. I shall move on to anozer fat American IP address that I can hack and send ze spam e-mail from." My imaginary Frenchman hacker will then finish his espresso, dust off his white & black striped shirt, straighten his red neck scarf, and ride his scooter off to another IP location -probably one that has wine and cheese.

Of course I do realize that not all hackers are from France. While reading through the e-mail help forum, I saw people complaining about hackers from Latvia, Russia, and other locations around the globe. So for anyone who has been in this situation, be sure you change your security settings. I will watch my account more closely now, that's for sure.

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